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Experiencing Chinese100-Cultural Communication in China (mit 1CD); ISBN: 9787040205237 ; Erste Auflage im 2007 ; 207 Seiten ; Format: 21,5 x 13,3cm ; The "Experiencing Chinese100"series contains phrases pertaining to living,studing,training,sports,popular Chinese idiom,Chinese traditional medicine,culture communication,offical communication,bussiness communication and many more areas of interest.This book is "Experiencing Chinese 100--Cultural Communication in China". This Book is specifically aimed to help the Chinese learners understand the most practical and often used communications.We have chosen 100 practical Chinese sentences and divided them into 17 different categories.This book will not only help those who are interested in Chinese culture enhance their basic language competence,it will also help them have a goog understanding of Chinese culture and master phrases and expressions in specific situations.The features of this bool are: 1. For convenience ,the book can be referred to according to category of function. 2.For pragmatic purpose,the frequently used sentences are usually in the interrogative forms. 3.For interaction,the book is arranged in the form of dialogues. 4.All of the sentences are written in Chinese and Pinyin with English translations and annotations. 5. The appendix includes 12 Chinese Years of Animals,Chinese Holidays and Abrief Chinese Chronology. Best.Nr.: L635

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